Sing-a-ma-jigsLast year, Mattel's eerily mesmerizing and innovative 房屋買賣Sing-a-ma-jigs became a favorite on the preschool toy circuit. The 酒店工作electronic plush dolls belt out notes for each press of their tummies, 租屋網and together, they synchronize for harmony. This year, Mattel is 花蓮民宿introducing Sing-a-ma-jigs Duets, a plush Sing-a-ma-jig' clutching 術後面膜a tiny puppy for interspecies singing. Designed to let kids mimic 好房網different notes and teach them about harmony, these little crooners 租辦公室will be available in fall 2011 喜歡玩具不是小孩的專利, 大人也愛去年商務中心MARREL做了依各可以教小唱歌的“Sing-a-ma-jig”玩偶長相就試圖 2Read more: 長灘島,28804,2049604_20496住商房屋20_2049591,00.html #ixzz1EHsKlYcC

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